Ethos and Values

Our Vision
At Parkfield Community School, our children come first and our priority is to deliver outstanding teaching and learning whilst at the same time providing rich and truly enjoyable learning experiences for our community of children.


Our Ethos

Everything we do as a school is to ensure that the children achieve their very best, make outstanding behavioural choices and show tolerance, respect and an understanding towards others, no matter their race, religion, gender orientation, age, disabilities, gender or sexual orientation. We are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education and it is our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development.

We want every child to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join us and throughout their school lives so that when they leave us, they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives.

Our Values

At Parkfield Community School, we believe in:

  • Succeeding together
  • Engaging learning
  • Ensuring equality for all
  • Aspiring from the start
Our Commitment to our School Community

At Parkfield Community School, we will strive to:

  • Provide a safe and stimulating environment that is conducive to all children having the opportunity to reach their full potential;
  • Provide an innovative and support culture in which staff are encouraged to grow, develop and share their expertise;
  • Value the achievements of all children, both in and out of school and provide opportunities to develop self-confidence and a positive self image;
  • Ensure that everybody is welcome in our school, irrespective of race, religion, gender orientation, age, disabilities, gender or sexual orientation and that differences are celebrated;
  • Provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, progressive and appropriately differentiated to allow ALL children to succeed;
  • Encourage each individual to take responsibility for their behaviour and to act as an outstanding role model to others;
  • Encourage children to become good citizens, within a multi-cultural society, by developing caring attitudes and respect towards themselves, other children, adults and their community.