Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

The teaching staff in Year 3 are Mrs Choudhury, Mrs Fagan and Mrs Khan.

The teaching assistant in Year 3 is Mrs Hussain.

The teachers have some fantastic and exciting learning planned for the pupils in Year 3 this year. We will be exploring a creative curriculum and bring our topics alive with educational trips, visitors to school and a variety of hands-on resources to make our lessons engaging and immersive. Each class will also attend swimming sessions for a whole term to allow children to learn this important life skill.

Over the year, we will be developing our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies through models and images and written activities. Pupils will make various connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems. Pupils will also use real life contexts to learn about measure, shape and direction and fractions.

In writing, we will read, plan and write stories with suspense and adventure. Children will also create non-fiction reports and instructional texts, which will all be strongly linked with our curriculum topics.  
In History, the children will learn about the past starting with Pre-historic Britain (The Stone Age), The Romans and finally The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.

In Geography, the children will start off learning about Biodiversity, Continents and Oceans and finally the Counties of the UK and Birmingham.

Please look out for the termly newsletter for more information regarding the curriculum and ask your child for daily updates about the fantastic learning they are doing in school.

What we are learning this year:

To complete our Topic, Mapping Birmingham, we visited Birmingham City Centre. Before we set off, we planned our route with our teachers. We had to make sure that there were alternative routes because there is lots of construction work going on in Birmingham at the moment. We started our route at the new library, walked through the ICC and down the canal. We walked over the old bridges to get to the other side of the canal and then back over a newer bridge. Next, we walked back past the library to Victoria Square where we saw the Town Hall and council house. We were amazed to see how Birmingham has changed recently with a great mixture of old and new buildings! We used trundle wheels to measure the distance between the different places we walked. Finally, we had a go at sketching some of the buildings we walked past.