“You must never feel badly about making mistakes ... as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons.” ―
Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

Personal Development

PD at Parkfield

PD (Personal Development) is delivered through science; Emotional Literacy; RE; Sustainability, Financial capability and safety education, Rights Respecting Curriculum and also through weekly year group assemblies.

In EYFS, PD is one of the prime areas of the curriculum. We believe children need good personal, social and emotional development to support their learning. Children follow a PD curriculum based on the PATHS model, with a focus on teaching children how to acknowledge and deal with their emotions and develop positive relations and social skills.

The PD curriculum for Year 1- Year 6 follows guidelines as recommended by the PD Association:

  1. Health and well being
  2. Relationships
  3. Living in the wider world

Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is covered within Health and Well-being and taught in year 6.

The overarching aim for PD is to provide pupils with:

  • Accurate and relevant knowledge
  • Opportunities to turn that knowledge in to personal understanding
  • Opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
  • The skills and strategies they need in order to live healthy safe fulfilling responsible and balanced lives. 
Rights Respecting School Award

At Parkfield School we are proud to have achieved The Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award, which is presented by UNICEF. 

UNICEF is the words leading organization working for children and their rights.

The UN Convention on the rights of the child details what countries must do in order for children to grow as healthy as possible, learn at school, receive protection, improve wellbeing, have their views listened to and be treated fairly.

The award teaches pupils at Parkfield about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child so that all children can reach their full potential.

The RRSA recognises achievement in incorporating the Convention into a school’s planning, policies and practice. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about child rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships – between teacher/adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.



PD at Parkfield Community School

PD Year 1

PD Year 2

PD Year 3

PD Year 4

PD Year 5

PD Year 6

We also use SUMO to help children to regulate their emotions. Find out more here: SUMO for Schools